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More Info

Initial 1:1 assessment 

Your child will be assessed by myself to determine areas of academic needs and strengths. Once the assessment is completed, I will decide on a plan of assistive technology software and strategies that would be most appropriate for your child. Included with the assessment, your child will be taught how to set up the accessibility features on their computer and/or iPad.

If your child has a psychoeducational assessment and/or an IEP, it would be helpful if you could provide it to me by the first session. Copies of report cards would also be beneficial.

1-1.5 hours in length

Fee: $199

Sessions 2-6

Most children will benefit from approximately 5-6 sessions, although some children may require additional sessions. Each session will be individualized to suit the needs of the child. The session will consist of teaching the technology and learning new strategies to empower your child in their learning, highlight their strengths and increase school independence. 

Sessions will be 1 hour in length

Fee: $149

*fees may be tax deductible and will require a letter from a physician.

Home School
Initial 1:1 assesment
Sessions 2-6
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